See useful and necessary information from goods and services that you may find useful during your stay in Kythira. Find out about the Kythira General Hospital, the location of pharmacies, gas stations, supermarkets for your shopping, roadside assistance, and other useful Public services. For your best service, we have taken care to place all the basic and necessary services on a map. You can also download a detailed high-resolution Map of Kythira to your device.
See full Kythira Telephone Directory.

Gas stations in Kythira
There are 4 gas stations operating in Kythira which provide fuel in petrol, gasoline and gas, starting from the north to the south. Also see the map with all gas stations in Kythira island above.
Location: Potamos, approximately 200 meters south of the village.
Offered: Gasoline, oil.
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 07:30 – 10:00, 16:00 – 21:30. Sunday: 08:30 – 14:30, 17:00 – 21:00
Phone: +30 27360 33380
Location: Potamos, approximately 700 meters south of the village.
Offered: Gasoline, oil.
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 07:00 – 21:00. Sunday: 08:00 – 13:00
Phone: +30 27360 33192
Location: Kontolianika.
Offered: Gasoline, oil, car wash, necessities, newspapers, soft drinks.
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 07:00 – 21:00. Sunday: 08:00 – 13:00
Phone: +30 27360 38270
Location: Livadi.
Offered: Gasoline, oil, car wash.
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 07:00 – 21:00. Sunday: 08:00 – 13:00
Phone: +30 27360 31013
Kythira Roadside Assistance. Kalogeropoulos Stratos. Phone: +30 6973309470
Kythera Supermarket
In Kythira there are several supermarkets that can fully cover the needs of visitors and local residents in food and other items. Apart from the supermarkets there are many mini markets in many villages of Kythira.
Check out some starting from north to south. Also see the map with supermarkets in Kythira above.
Agia Pelagia. Kapsanis, located on the beach of the village, tel: +30 27360 33458.
Potamos. Lourantos, located in the central square of the village, tel: +30 27360 33917.
Potamos. Gikas, located approximately 200 meters south of the village, tel: +30 27360 33463.
Aroniadika. Panagiotopoulos, located at the intersection of the main street with the road to the airport and port, tel: +30 27360 33430.
Karvounades. Leontsinis, located in the village square, tel: 27360 38018.
Chikalaria. AB Vassilopoulos, located at the entrance of the village, tel: +30 27360 33042.
Livadi. Vardas, located inside the village, tel: +30 27360 31011.
In Kythira there are 3 pharmacies that offer pharmaceutical products and health services. Regardless of your location on the island, you will find easy access to pharmacies for your needs. The pharmacies follow, starting from north to south.
Potamos. Triphyllis Pharmacy: tel: +30 27360 34220
Karvounades. Petrochilos Pharmacy: tel: +30 27360 38055
Livadi. Papaefthymio Pharmacy: tel: +30 27360 31661
Kythera Hospital
The Hospital of Kythira is located 1200 meters north of Aroniadika village, and 2,600 meters south of Potamos, in the central-northern part of the island. It is the main medical institution of Kythira and provides basic health and medical care services to residents and visitors.
Specifically, the Kythira Hospital provides services such as emergency medical care, examinations, hospitalization and patient care. It also has a dispensary and different medical departments to meet the medical needs of the local community.
Distances. 2.6 km from Potamos, 13.4 km from Diakofti, 18 km from Chora, 8.1 km from Agia Pelagia.
Tel: +30 27360 33203
Kythera Health Center
In Kythira there is a veterinarian Mrs. Stathatou Aikaterini, you can find her in Livadi village. The vet accepts by appointment. We recommend that you contact her to learn more about the services she offers and to make an appointment. The veterinarian mcan give you advice on caring for your pet, examine it and give it medication.
Address: Livadi
Phone: +30 27360 33792, Mobile: +30 697 425 9871
Police Department
Address: Chora, 801 00
Phone: +30 2736 031206
Duty Officer: +30 27360 31913, Commander: +30 27360 31913
Kythira State Airport Police.
Phone: 27360 34362
Antikythera Police Station.
Phone: +30 27360 33222
In case of emergency, call 112.
Kythera Fire Department
Kondolianika, Kythira, 80100
Kythera Fire Station: +30 27360 33199
The official website of the Municipality of Kythira
ELTA of Kythira. The post office is located in the central square of Chora. Phone: +30 27360 31244